flash video clips & podcasts

Short Videos & Podcasts

ESPN Aventura July '11 ESPN channel interview, Aventura program.                              .
Capilla del Monte Noel Martinez de Aguirre's footage of Cordoba Province's fine granite cragging (Sept '11).
Mt Kinabalu

Borneo dispatches from 2009 big wall ascent. Podcast as MP4. ...........

Everest Successful '07 Altitude Film documentary Expedition. Expedition dispatches hosted on You Tube.
Kaga Tondo From "Journey to the Hand of Fatima" Mali, West Africa. ..............
Order of the Phoenix Top-rope ascent of recent addition to Wimberry Rocks, Peak District UK. ......
Digital Orbit

Interesting start to this Gritstone classic at Chew Valley's Robs Rocks. ................

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